NEJC Delegates Elect New Administration

Delegates at the Second Quadrennial Session of the North East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (NEJC) voted a new team of Officers, Department Directors and Executive Committee to carry out the administrative functions of the Conference for the next four years.

Pastor Everett Brown (right), president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica congratulates Pastor Adlai Blythe are he was elected president of the North East Jamaica Conference (NEJC) during the Conference’s Second Quadrennial Session held at Camp Don in St. Mary from August 20-21, 2018.

The Officers and Directors are as follows:

President                                                       –                       Pastor Adlai Blythe

Secretary                                                       –                       Pastor Danielo Daniels

Treasurer                                                      –                       Miss Sasheena Thompson

Adventist Youth Ministry                            –                       Pastor Gordon Lindsay

Sabbath School & Personal Ministries     –                       Pastor Adlai Blythe

Women’s Ministries                                     –                       Dr. Doreen Morrison

Education, Children & Adolescent Ministries      –           Miss Audrey Brown

Communication,Public Affairs & Religious Liberty         Pastor Danielo Daniels

Family Ministries                                          –                       Pastor Arlington Woodburn

Ministerial Secretary                                    –                       Pastor Arlington Woodburn

Stewardship and Trust Services               –                       Elder John Arthurs


The Directors for Publishing and Health Ministries will be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Conference at its first sitting.

Pastor Al Powell, Youth Ministries Director of the Inter American Division of Seventh-day Adventists gave oversight to the proceedings of the Session, while the Nominating Committee was chaired by Pastor Everett Brown, President of the Jamaica Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

The Installation Service for the newly elected administration will be held at the Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Port Maria, St. Mary, on Sabbath, September 8, 2018, starting at 4:00 p.m.

Officers of the NEJC (L-R) Miss Sasheena Thompson, Treasurer; Pastor Danielo Daniels, Executive Secretary and Pastor Adlai Blythe, President.
The new NEJC Administrators pose for the camera with administrators of the Jamaica Union Conference Pastors: Bancroft Barwise, Meric Walker and Everett Brown.
The newly elected Officers and Directors of NEJC.