To be read in all Churches in Jamaica Union Conference

RELEASE #1: COVID 19 Advisory

Jamaica has now joined many other countries in the world in confirming two cases of the COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has now classified COVID-19 as a pandemic. While we pray earnestly that we will not experience an epidemic here in our beautiful island, we must ensure that the necessary precautions are taken to minimize the risks. As such, the Administration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica shares the following protocols as we move forward:

  1. Appoint a Crises Coordinator to supervise all matters in this This person will relate to the Pastor, who will liaise with the Conference, and the Conference will relate to the Union, in order to facilitate a coordinated approach.
  2. Outside of regular church service, no other large gathering should be planned (conventions, music days, rallies, pathfinder and youth-related outdoor activities ).
  3. Evangelistic series in progress must be concluded at the very soonest, while maintaining the protocols that have been established for large
  4. Where possible, streaming of our services should be done to minimise large gathering, in addition to using other forms of technology for our evangelistic programmes and
  5. Until further advised, if communion and baptismal services must be conducted, strict hygienic protocols should be
  6. If funerals, repasts and weddings cannot be rescheduled, then the relevant hygienic protocols should be strictly
  7. No handshaking, holding of hands or embracing, as we seek to minimize the risks
  8. Facilities such as hand sanitizer, gloves for persons handling tithes and offerings, must be put in
  9. Members and guests who have recently travelled within the last 14 days returning from North America, Europe and Asia (China and other Asian countries), or countries where the virus has been confirmed, are asked to “voluntarily” worship at home using livestream on YouTube, NCU TV, Hope Channel or 3ABN for 14

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  • | March 20, 2020 at 4:47 pm

    I am Shannette Smith, Communication and Publications Director at Northern Caribbean University. I notice for some weeks that we have not been getting notices to our [email protected] email from your conference. We would appreciate if you could start doing so again. I can be contacted at [email protected] or call me at 8876-890-1208 (cellular phone/whatsapp) if you need to contact me directly. Thank you.